Film Roll #1

The film roll was shot from around 2022 late September to 2023-01-30.

To start things off, there is me, sitting on the roof. This was a fun self portrait. I may have sat too far away though.

Me on the roof

Next is a view of the Olympics on a clear day. I liked this photo. The colors are soft yet vibrant. The lighting on all components of the photo is clear.

View of the Cascades]

Now we switch cardinals and see Rainier in near-sunset light. This was lucky to get during the winter.

View of Rainier during sunset

This photo at sunrise was very cool. It almost looks like a night photo, but in fact this was taken right before sunrise. The green tint road lighting was a cool result, I am not sure how that happened, as the lights are not green. The cardinal is East towards the Cascades.

Sunrise looking towards cascades

Here is a photo from a walk during mid afternoon in October. It is near my apartment, in the old neighborhood around the ravine park.

Walk in neighborhood

This photo is of a dual building property that I really like. The main house behind the tree is connected to the smaller townhouse looking building by a covered walkway inside the property. It’s really cool. The colors are also interesting, yet not to jarring or flamboyant. It blends in with the trees well. This household also loves to plant flowers on the sidewalk bed during the warmer season. The warmth of the lights inside the house are not really well captured, I think I could have gotten closer, or waited until a bit darker, to really capture the warmth of this home.

dual house

One day I woke up to massive fog. I was quite insane. Especially so the fact that I had to drive to my intern-project work place that day. Luckily, by the time I got past downtown Seattle, the fog was completley gone.


Now we have a series of photos from my long walk around Tangletown. Tangletown is a relatively less treed neighborhood, with wider streets, and bigger houses. It is nice, but doesn’t feel as homely or comfy as Roosevelt Ravenna. I’m not sure why it developed this way. The downtown area with the shops and restaurants also feels a lot more empty and desolate than other small downtown areas. It’s nice, but just… it feels like the streets are too big for the area.


This was a lovely little cottage house hidden behind some big big trees. I tried to get the house better lit, but the light was just too strong on the trees. The shades of green are so lovely.


This was a cute little craftsman house. The contrast between the light teal and bright red is very fun, in addition to the big red truck framing the house.

craftsman house

These two houses were quite nice, on a quiet street. The color contrast with each other makes them feel like a nice duo, and their raised patios seem very nice to sit on.

dual homes

I liked this photo a lot, it was many shades of orange, and the car frames the house nicely.


This house is on the ring road around Green Lake. I love how the house tries to be tall like the tree, but the tree is just huge. Also it’s so well shaped lol.

tall tree

This photo had the feel of some old gothic story. It was really a nice area, a dead end circle. It seemed very empty though, and there were no signs of life or movement. A bit eerie.

gothic home

Now we switch to the UW Classics meeting room. It’s a really cool room. The students basically seem to use it as a hang out room, when it’s not being used for meetings or presentations. The lighting is not the best. There was only a single book on Sallust, and not even any books of Sallust’s work proper.

UW classics room

I messed up the focus on this photo. Whoops. This was a fun dinner at a nice Italian restaurant (in Mukilteo) with Mary. We both love Tiramasu, but we agreed that the one here wasn’t very good. The pizza, however, was very good. Mary was slated to leave later that month to her new job on the East Coast! Yay! I was glad for her success and new opportunity, but sad to lose a good friend.


And finally, this is a self image I did in my apartment. I realized I am not very good at smiling, especially when I don’t have glasses or a hat on: it just makes me look weird. So I didn’t smile.



In general, I think this set of images came off much better than the Origin Film Roll #0. I managed to get a much better sense of lighting. However, many of the photos still had some lighting issues, and many were just not well framed, or boring, or pointless. I still have a tendancy to shoot to much, and I could still improve on really slowing down and thinking about my shots.

I found that the most interesting things to shoot were things with a sense of identity. There had to be identity in the photo, it couldn’t be just som random shot. Either a very beautiful and interesting house, or a person, or a combination of elements.