Wormwood Diaries

Wormwood Diaries

Emma Wormwood

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January 28th. Tuesday.

Got up early. Pretty day, –thawed considerably. Had full school. Good lessons. After supper had discussion on "Negro" and "Indian" question. Laughed about Dollie and me goin' (Gowin). Roy ate an onion, and I went in the other room and drew map of Italy. Beautiful night, not very cold. Went to bed early. I rode home from school, Jennie Dyer and I stood up.

January 29th. Wednesday.

Pretty day. Had good school. Lou went home at last recess. They laughed about "Scratch" bringing Rose home. A. class drew map of Italy, on board. In B. Geog. I asked how high is the highest peak in

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January 30th. Thursday

Had good school. Sunny in the morning – clouded in afternoon. At noon Irwin and Roy tried to see who could act the "biggest monkey." Rode horse, rubbed him down, jumped rope (buggy line) and so-forth. Lou and Lillie fixed minutes of last evening Society met. – Turned Lillie's watch back with mine. – Jesse laughs at me about being always hungry. Nellie and Mary went to church. J called us "Back woodsers" I replied, that I would rather be

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a "backwoodser" than a "heathen". We went down to the school house. Not many there; had no meeting. Went to Mr. Strate's. Had music. Laughed at Joe and Charlie about going to "Hunt"('s) Charlie has concluded he would rather Hunt than fish, so he's not been lately seen going up the creek. – We suppose it is because the fish are all "Young." When we started home it was raining. John Dollie and I came across the pasture. (Dollie thought we were going to China.) Joe asked what I had been saying about Kentuckians. Peek's brought Mary and Nellie home. John Whitehouse was converted. (John W. came to school this evening for Lou and Lillie.

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January 31st. Friday.

Dark and rainy. Had twenty pupils. Irwin, Walter, Charlie, Roy + John went down the road and came back after school had called. Roy and John tried themselves. –I was doubly kind, in my actions, but, inwardly, I burned with anger. After school I traced pencil marks in register. As I started, I asked if I had made any missteps, or done the least thing to cause such actions as had transpired. The reply, "Nothing. Not a thing, they just took a notion to be mean." A I came across the bridge I sat on the banister and watched the water flow over the rocks. I read the Modesto paper. Jesse tried to make us believe he could not read. After supper he brought up "scripture

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argument; read two chapters from the Testament, asked our opinions, then gave us his explanation. Calls us "backwoodsers." We went to bed early. Lillie did not come to school.

February 1st. Saturday

Dark and gloomy. Wish I could be at Nilwood to the Local Institute. I straightened up books and papers, put most of them in my valise. Had a talk with Nellie about school. (a perfect jewel, to be so good.) I fixed my tan skirt. Jesse went to Modesto. Roy cut wood. Mary baked all morning. (Had baked chicken for dinner, and I ate so much dinner that I was not hungry for supper. Jess said it was the first time he ever saw me not hungry) Ed came in the evening. He got letters from Mamma, Ida and Katie M. got school journal and circular from supt. McClure.

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told about hauling one ([[note in parentheses above -- Jermin?]]) of my pupils around in the big wagon. Laughed about him going to Carlinville on Tues., following the wagon-ride. Joe came home with Jess. Argued about "Back woodsers" and "Mountain heathens". They said Dolly got mad. The boys went to town. As they were starting, Joe was going to make me take back something; I made a certain remark which caused him to take sudden leave. Gave us oranges. Dolly and I went to church with Ed. Roads were very bad, and we went through the fields. Rhoads preached, but got sick and King took the meeting. Excellent meeting. Got home about eleven. Boys came before we went to bed. After noon Lillie came to tell us about going over

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to Scottsville to wait on her sick cousin. Wanted Dollie to take her part in the dialogue. Asked Dollie to bring her books. (Rocking chair proved to hold two)

February 2nd. Sunday.

Rainy and dark. Jess went away. Charie Crawford came. I read story of "Howard and his Teacher". Laughed about "Love in the Kitchen"; also "Love in the Front-room." ("I'd get it and keep it".) Roy and I took down items; and Joe started for the book, I screamed, jumped straight up and ran in the bed room. threw the book to Roy but Charlie got it. They went in little bed room to read but we would not let them alone: they went out by the milk house and read, then gave us the book. Mary called on everybody to help put the hogs in the

[PAGE 8] Irwin Baptist is 16 years old today.

lot. Dolly went to put Joe's hat on him and had to stand on the bench. Had dispute as to whether pancakes were baked, or fried: proved that bake is right. Jess says Flo is the only good looking girl in Illinois. Mr. Essex, the best looking man. Kentucky is noted for tobacco, whiskey and and big feet. Jess says "Dollie is - is - is, all right." "She's too smart to be called a backwoodser." Roy, Nellie and I are "Smart alecks." I went to bed at seven o clock. It snowed, rained, sleeted and what not, all day. ground not at all frozen but covered with snow and sleet.

February 3rd. Monday.

Two or three inches of snow and still snowing. Trees and bushes look like Christmas trees. Snowed all day, but thawed more than it snowed

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Had a very small school, only eleven. Stopped to see Mr. Strate. Made short talk about conduct of Friday. Better results, but far from perfect. At noon, the girls were getting locks of everybody's hair. (If you'll come over after school is out, I'll give you a lock of my hair.) I was tired all day: about sick. After supper I wrote to mamma and to the girls. Talked of suicides. Jess said he had no sympathy for such people. Would not grieve if his own father committed suicide.

List of Names

  1. Dollie(N/A)
  3. Roy(N/A)
  5. Jennie Dyer(N/A)
  7. Lou(N/A)
  9. Scratch(N/A)
  11. Rose(N/A)
  13. B. Geog(N/A)
  15. Irwin(N/A)
  17. Lillie(N/A)
  19. Jesse(N/A)
  21. Nellie(N/A)
  23. Mary(N/A)
  25. J(N/A)
  27. Strate (music teacher)
  29. Joe(N/A)
  31. Charlie(N/A)
  33. John(N/A)
  35. Peek(N/A)
  37. John Whitehouse(N/A)
  39. John W(N/A)
  41. Walter(N/A)
  43. Charlie(N/A)
  45. Roy(N/A)
  47. Jess(N/A)
  49. Ed(N/A)
  51. Mamma (mother)
  53. Ida(N/A)
  55. Katie M(N/A)
  57. McClure(N/A)
  59. Dolly(N/A)
  61. Rhoads (preacher)
  63. King(N/A)
  65. Charie Crawford(N/A)
  67. Flo(N/A)
  69. Essex(N/A)
  71. mamma (mother)

List of Places

  1. school (relative)
  2. room (relative)
  3. Italy (absolute)
  4. home (relative)
  5. school (relative)
  6. school (relative)
  7. home (relative)
  8. Italy (absolute)
  9. peak (relative)
  10. school (relative)
  11. church (relative)
  12. school (relative)
  13. creek (relative)
  14. pasture (relative)
  15. China (absolute)
  16. school (relative)
  17. road (relative)
  18. school (relative)
  19. school (relative)
  20. bridge (relative)
  21. Modesto (absolute)
  22. school (relative)
  23. Nilwood (absolute)
  24. Local Institute (relative)
  25. school (relative)
  26. Carlinville (absolute)
  27. town (relative)
  28. Scottsville (absolute)
  29. Illinois (absolute)
  30. Kentucky (absolute)
  31. school (relative)
