The first update of this list is taken from my “books read” Word document.

Unlike most other pages, scrolling down will lead to the present; this reverse order is because I copied this list from my old Word Document. This list does not include pdfs, papers, essays, articles, and such that I have read.

Furthermore, books on which I have multiple pages linked (I.E. separate essays) will have clear titles delineating which link leads to which essay.

Before Reed

Man who was thursday
Abolition of man
Screwtape letters
Problem of pain
A grief observed
The double
The gamble
The idiot
Crime and punishment
the adolescent
The duke of deception
our story begins
Herman Hesse Stuff
beneath the wheel
peter camenzind
goldmund and narcicuss
that bhudda one
point omega
snows of mount kilamanjaro
For whom the bell tolls
The Sun also rises
Old man and the sea
a farewell to arms
The things they carried
the darkness around us is deep
180 days of poetry
A confederacy of dunces
Portrait of an artist as a young man
the picture of dorian gray
Catch 22
In cold Blood
Jane eyre
The professor
Wuthering heights
fahrenheit 451
Storm of steel
The longest day
A bridge too far
All quiet on the western front
On the beach
Johnny Got his gun
Slaughterhouse 5
Death of a salesman
The Crucible
Julius Ceaser
Romeo and juliet
A midsummer night’s dream
Huckleberry finn
adventures of tom sawyer
Narrative of the life of frederick douglass, an american slave
Blood meridian
The Road
Child of God
Sunset limited
No country for old men
Breif interviews with hideous men
Great short works of tolstoy
The dumbest generation
James laughlin book of poems, the pink one…
waiting for godot
Kafka’s trial
Songs and lovers
The great gatsby
Of mice and men
Grapes of wrath
pilgrimage at tinker creek
the maytrees
TS Eliot wasteland, love song of alfred J prufrock
20,000 leagues under the sea
king arthur
wizard of oz


A river runs through it
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Mere Christianity
This Boy’s Life
Encounters with Chinese writers
The Gentleman from San Francisco (Bunin short stories) TS Eliot’s Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats (poems)
Robinson Crusoe
Notes From Underground
Nikolai Gogol overcoat and 3 other short stories (Dover Thrift edition)
Dead Souls
Père Goriot
The Brothers Karamazov
Anton Chekhov selected stories translated by RP LV
Pushkin Queen of spades and other stories Dover thrift
PLato’s republic
George Saunder’s 10th of december
George saunder’s pastorlalia (excluding pastorlia)…
Chekhov’s 5 short novels RPLV
Ivan Bunin SUNSTROKE short story collection
Dubliners (the nice red one with good afterward)
Maison Tellier
Poor folk
The House of the Dead
A gentle creature/dream of a ridiculous man/ white nights
Kafka’s The Metamorphosis
the stoic philosophy of seneca
Epictetus’ handbook
Into the wild
Penguin the Lais of Marie de france
Le petit nicolas
cicero selected works
A season with Verona
La Fille Aux Yeux D’or
Tao Te Ching
Bonjour Tristesse
The Dhammapada
Sun Tzu Art of War
Cicero’s letters 1-89 in english
Ars Amatoria Art of love in English
Catullus, in english
Madam Bovary en Francais
The Secret Room (collection of poems) James Laughlin
Tacitus’ histories? in english
The Pale King
Le Petit Prince en français
Blue Like Jazz donald miller
World Order Henry Kissinger
Even in quite places stafford
The owl of minerva Laughlin
Maupassant blue little book en famille, deux amis, la ficelle, femm du paul
White Noise
Le Père Goriot en français

Summer After Sophomore Year

Meditations Aurelius
Man who mistook his wife for a hat
Eichmann in Jerusalem
The english patient

1st Semester Junior Year Reed

Medea in Greek
Lysias 1, 12 in Greek
Some Plautus play in latin i forget which
Epistles 1-17 Seneca
Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy
Lucian’s Verae Historiae In english and greek
Walker Percy’s LOST IN THE COSMOS or the last self help book in the universe
The Moviegoer

Winter Break

Lucians’ True Histories
Lonesome dove

Junior Spring Semester At Rome

Bel ami
Ars Amatoria book 1 latin
Plutarch Antony
LUCAN english
The Courage to act, Ben Bernanke
Une Vie. Maupassant
Leviathan. Hobbes. Parts I, II and a bit of IV.

Summer 2017 In Shanghai

Toqueville de la démocratie en Amérique (abridged)
The Intelligent Investor (Benjamin Graham)
One up On Wall Street Peter Lynch book
And another Peter Lynch book
Epictetus Enchiridion (handbook)

Summer 2017 At Upenn, Connecticut, And Boston

Siddartha In German/English
Chasing Gold
Digital Gold
The Power and Independence of the Federal Reserve
Best American Essays 2015 (Ariel Levy)
In Fed We Trust
Flannery O Connor, FSG collection: Everything that Rises Must Converge
Secession Debated: Georgia’s Showdown in 1860. Oxford.
Le Colonel Chabert
If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler

Reed Senior Year Fall

Fun Home
Zhuangzi Hackett selected tales
Shanghai Splendor by Wen Hsin Yeh
Apulia 1959 Frederick Praeger, picture book on Apulian romanesque architecture
Tales from Chernobyl
The Roman Revolution
The coming of the Third Reich. Evans

Move To Costa Mesa 2018

Seven Pillars of Wisdom, T.E. Lawrence.
Counterinsurgency. David McMullen
The Looming Tower by Lawrence Wright
The Evolution of Civilizations. Carroll Quigley
Presocratic reader (Hackett)
The Trial and Death of Socrates (Hackett).
2018 Independent United States Military review report: SEVERE CRISIS.
Wired: Motherboard Earth Mother Board. Neil Stephenson.
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Industrial Society and its Future. (short essay, not whole book) By Ted Kaczynski.

Winter/New Year In China 2018

Nuclear Statecraft. Francis J Gavin
The Logic of American Nuclear Strategy. Matthew Kroening
The Prince. Machiavelli
Rich Dad’s Conspiracy of the Rich

The Las Vegas Trips (January To February)

Lives of the Caesars, Seutonius.
Lost in the Cosmos
Flow - Mihaly Csikzentimihalyi
Nuclear logics: Contrasting paths in east Asia and the Middle East - Etel Solingen
The Minimum Means of Reprisal: China’s Search for security in the nuclear age. Jeffrey Lewis.
Operation Barbarossa and Germany’s Defeat in the East. By David Stahel.
The Battle of Kiev, 1941. David Stahel
Operation Typhoon. David Stahel.
Battle for Moscow, David Stahel
Death of the Wehrmacht, Citino

Portland: May 2019

Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
The world in a grain: the story of sand and how it transformed civilization, by Vince Beiser
Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen
The Wehrmacht Retreats, Citino

May And Forward

The Wehrmacht’s Last Stand, Citino
The Age of Innocence, Edith Wharton.
The Wages of Destruction, Adam Tooze.
The Blitzkrieg Legend: the 1940 Campaign in the West, Karl-Heinz Frieser


Back In Vegas.

John Muir Trail Guide.
Hitler’s High Command.
War and Peace.
Napoleon, a Life. By Andrew Roberts.
Pursuit of Power. Europe 1815-1914.
A Concise History of Switzerland. By Clive C Church and Randolph C Head.

I am missing a section here. These are the books I think I read:

Tacitus Agricola
Weimar Germany, Tragedy and fall
German way of War

Starting April 14 (Era Of COVID 19).

Second Punic War, Livy.
Annals, Tacitus
Lives of Caesars, Tacitus
The Jewish War, Josephus
Spirit of Compromise, Amy Gutman
Six Amendments to the Constitution, John Paul Stevens
Madame de Treymes - Edith Wharton (Novella)
Ethan Frome - Edith Wharton (Novella)
Summer - Edith Wharton (Novella)
Old New York: False Dawn, The Old Maid, The Spark, New Year’s Day - Edith Wharton (Novellas)
The Mother’s Recompense - Edith Wharton (Novella)
A Concise History of Germany (published 1990) - Mary Fulbrook
Why the Allies Won - Richard Overy
When Titans Clashed - David Glantz, John House

Starting June 30.

The Children - Edith Wharton
Bismarck:The Man and the Statesman - A J P Taylor
The Bucaneers - Edith Wharton
Bismarck and the Development of Germany: theperiod of Unification 1815-1870 - Otto Pflanze.
Masada: Herod’s Fortress and the Zealots’ Last Stand - Yigael Yadin.
Tiberius: A Study In Resentment - 1956 Gregorio Maranon
Tiberius the Politician - Barbara Levick

Starting July 18

The House of Mirth - Edith Wharton
The Reef - Edith Wharton
Bismarck - Edgar Feuctwanger
Art of War - Moltke: Selected writings, edited by Daniel J Hughes.

Starting August 8 (Five Million Covid Cases in US)

Modern China: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford) - Rana Mitter
China’s World War II 1937-1945: Forgotten Ally - Rana Mitter
Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created The World’s Most Dangerous Man - Mary L. Trump
You Have The Right To Remain Innocent [Don’t Talk To The Police] - James Duane

At Portland-Camas 8/21-9/16

My Antonia - Willa Cather
When Money Dies - who is the author? (about weimar 1923 hyper inflation)
Washington Square - Henry James

Return To Costa Mesa 9/17

The Revenge of Geography - Robert D. Kaplan
Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy And The Triumph Of Spectacle - Chris Hedges
RAGE - Bob Woodard
Hoax: Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Danerous Distortion of Truth - Brian Stelter
American Secession: The Looming Threat of a National Breakup - Frank Buckley
Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945 - Tony Judt

Call With Ellen About A Potential PHD 10/21

Putin’s Kleptocracy: Who Owns Russia? - Karen Dawisha
Thieves of State - Sarah Chayes
Private Island: Why Britain Now Belongs To Someone Else - James Meek

12/21/2020 Long Days Of Waiting. New Year 2020-2021.

The Permanent War Economy (1974) - Seymour Melman
The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America - Daniel J. Boorstin
Restless Giant (The United States from Watergate to Bush v. Gore) - James T. Patterson

New Year! Now 2021. Up to 4/26 (I was reading less because of horrible news all the time.)

Rise of the Judicial Right - Graetz and Greenhouse
DARK MONEY - Jane Meyer
American Fascists: The Christian Right and The War On America (2006) - Chris Hedges
Jesus and John Wayne, How White Evangelicals corrupted a faith and fractured a nation - Kristin Kobes Du Mez
The Power Elite - C Wright Mills

7/1 Moved To Seattle

“Let’s Swallow Switzerland” Klaus Urner, translated by Lotti Eichhorn
Suburban Nation: the rise of sprawl and the decline of the american dream - Duany et al.
Life in the Third Reich - Richard Bessel, Et Al.
The German Way of War - Robert M Citinio
The Geography of Nowhere: The Rise and Decline of America’s Man Made Landscape - James Howard Kunstler

7/20 Many Days of Day Hiking.

The Glorius Cause: The American Revolution 1763-1789. - Robery Middlekauf (1982)
I spent a long time on that old late 1800s British history on American Revolution, it got too boring and I only read half of it.

Around November.

Hearings Before the Special Committe on Atomic Energy, United States Senate, 1945.
Latin America and the United States : A documentary history :- Zolov
1946 Atomic energy act - I skimmed this about 35%.
STALIN Volume 1: Paradoxes of Power (1878-1928) - Stephen Kotkin.

New Year of 2021-2022. I am now using standard date formatting, year-month-day 2022-2-8.

Stalin: Volume II: Waiting For Hitler -Kotkin

-Facts on Communism Volume I (The Communist Ideology). Committee on Un-American Activities - House of representatives, 86 Congress, First Session. December 1959. 44836. GPO. -Francis E Walter- chairman. finished reading 2022-19-2

-Facts on Communism Volume II (The Soviet Union, from Lenin to Khrushchev). Committe on Un-American activities. -House of representatives, 86 Congress, Second session. December 1960. 44836. GPO. -Francis E Walter- Chairman. Finished reading 2022-2-19

-Perscriptions on Saving China: Selected Writings of Sun Yat Sen. Editors Wei, Myers, Gillin. -Published by Hoover Institute. 1994. Finished reading 2022-3-19

-Latin American View of U.S. Policy. Edited by Robert Wesson and Heraldo Munoz. Prager Special Studies, Hoover Institution. 1986. Finished reading 2022-4-6

Feb-March. Start of the Ukraine War. Made Preliminary Evacuation Preparations And Runs To Portland. Elden Ring.

Now April 2022.

-How to Read Donald Duck: Imperialist Ideology in the Disney Comic. By Ariel Dorfman and Armand Mattelart. 1971. Finished reading 2022-04-10

-Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People. G. Richard Shell. 1999. Updated 2018. Finished reading 2022-04-16

-A Conise History of Russia. By Paul Bushkovitch. 2012. Cambridge University Press. Finished reading 2022-04-22.

-North and South. (1854). Elizabeth Gaskell. Norton Critical Edition (2005). Read main text, some historical context, and modern criticisms. Finished 2022-04-26.

-Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism. (2018). New York University. By Safiya Umoja Noble. Finished reading 2022-05-02.

-America’s Infrastructure. (At Issue Economics). From Summit system loan. Collection of essays. (2019). Greenhaven publishing. Short book. Finished reading 2022-05-05.

-STRONG TOWNS: A Bottom Up Revolution to Rebuild American Society. (2020). Charles L Marohn Jr. Finished reading 2022-05-16.

Bridget And Jack’s Wedding week.

-The Lying Life of Adults. (2019). Elena Ferrante. Finished reading 2022-05-20.

-Most Likely To Secede: what the Vermont independence movement can teach us about reclaiming community and creating a human scale vision for the 21st century. (2013). Edited by Ron Miller and Rob Williams. Finished 2022-05-25

Return To Seattle. May 29.

-Armageddon Averted: The Soviet Collapse 1970-2000. Updated Edition. Stephen Kotkin. (2008). Finished reading 2022-05-29.

-Lost Kingdom: The Quest for Empire and the making of the Russian nation: from 1470 to the present. Serhii Plokhy. (2017). Finished reading 2022-05-30.

-1989: The Strugge to create post-cold war europe. Mary Elise Sarotte. (2009). Finished reading 2022-05-31.

-Spain in our Hearts: Americans in the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939. Adam Hochschild. (2016). Finished reading 2022-06-03.

-Spies and Commissars: The Early Years of the Russian Revolution. Robert Service. (2012). Finished reading 2022-06-13.

Portland Family Month.

-The Great War and American Foreign Policy. 1914-1924. Robert E Hannigan. (2017). Upenn. Finished reading 2022-06-29.

-Coolidge: An American Enigma. Robert Sobel. (1998). Finished reading 2022-07-04.

-A Concise History of Canada. Margaret Conrad. (2012). Finished reading 2022-07-10.

Return To Seattle 2022-07-13.

-China At War: Triumph and Tragedy in the Emergency of the New China. Hans van de Ven. (2018). Finished 2022-07-23.

-STATUS OF US STRATEGIC POWER. Hearings before the Preparedness Investigating Subcomittee of the Committee on Armed Services United States Senate, 19th Congress. Second Session. 1968. Finished 2022-07-30.

-The Structure of Canadian History. 6th Edition. J.L.Finlay and D.N.Sprague. (2000). Finished 2022-08-03.

-Blaming China: It Might Feel Good but it Won’t Fix America’s Economy. Benjamin Shobert. (2018). Finished 2022-08-06.

-The Masks of War: American Military Styles in Strategy and Analysis. Carl H. Builder. (1989). Finished 2022-08-08.

The Great Hiking And Backpacking Of Mid-Late Summer 2022.

-Roger Sherman and the Creation of the American Republic. Mark David Hall. (2013). Finished 2022-08-14.

-The Anatomy of Motive. John Douglas and Mark Olshaker. (1999). Finished 2022-08-21.

-The Irish Town: An Approach to Survival. Patrick Shaffrey. Obrien Press. (1975). Finished 2022-09-12.

-The Grand Sophy. Georgette Heyer. (1950). Finished 2022-09-17.

-The New Arab Wars: Uprisings and Anarchy in the Middle East. Mark Lynch (2016). Finished 2022-09-29.

September 28. Start of Year 2 @ UW MLIS program.

-Bear Attacks: Their Causes and Avoidance. Stephen Herrero. (first ed 1985, republished 2018). Finished 2022-10-02.

-Jitterbug Perfume. Tom Robbins (1984). Finished 2022-10-05.

-Certain Victory: The US Army in the Gulf War. (1993). Brigadier General Robert H Scales Jr, and Office of the Chief of Staff. Finished 2022-10-10.

-Soviet Military Economic Relations. (1982). Subcomittee on international trade, finance, and security economics, of the Joint Economic Committee. US GPO. Finished 2022-10-13.

-A Hard Look at Hard Power: Assessing the Defense Capabilities of Key US Allies and Security Partners. Gary J Schmitt (US Army War College Press). (2015). Finished 2022-10-15.

-The FRANK Book. Jim Woodring. (2003). Finished 2022-10-15.

-Mass Shooting at Virginia Tech. Report of the Special Review Panel, presented to Gov Tim Kaine of Virginia. (2007). Finished 2022-10-15.

-MOMO. By Michael Ende. (English Translation, original is German). (1973). Finished 2022-10-17.

-Scrolling Foward. By David Levy. (2001). Finished 2022-10-24.

-Tactical Nuclear Weapons and NATO. (2012). U.S. Army War College: Strategic Studies Institute. Government Publishing Office. Finished 2022-11-01.

-China’s Aerospace Strategy. Captain J V Singh. Center for Air Power Studies, New Delhi. (2013). Finished 2022-11-06.

-The Good, the Great, and the Unfriendly: A Librarian’s Guide to Working with Friend Groups. (2017). Sally Gardener Reed. ALA.

-Howard’s End. E M Forster. (1910). (1985 edition green hardcover). Finished 2022-11-09.

-On Thermonuclear War. Hermann Kahn. (1960). (2017 paperback republish). Finished 2022-11-11, after many months.

-One Beautiful Spring Day. Jim Woodring. (2022 Limited Edition). Finished 2022-11-15.

-Even Cowgirls Get The Blues. Tom Robbins (1976). Finished 2022-11-20.

-Deforesting the Earth: From Prehistory to Global Crises. Michael Williams. (2003). University of Chicago Press. Finished 2022-11-26.

-Deforesting the Earth: From Prehistory to Global Crises. Michael Williams. (2003). University of Chicago Press. Finished 2022-11-26.

-Upside Dawn. Jason. (2022). Finished 2022-11-29.

-A Room With a View. E. M. Forster. (1908). Finished 2022-12-09

-Lost Cat. Jason. (2014). Finished 2022-12-10.

-Strategic Climate Change Communications: Effective Approaches to Fighting Climate Denial. (2019). Finished 2022-12-11.

-A Lover’s Discourse. Roland Barthes. (1977). Finished 2022-12-15.

-Counter Jihad: America’s Military Experience in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. Brian Glyn Williams. (2017). Finished 2022-12-26.

-The Living and The Dead. Jason. (2006). Finished 2022-12-27.

-On Saudi Arabia: Its People, Past, Religion, Fault Lines, and Future. (2012). Karen Elliot House. Finished 2022-12-28.

-Why Are You Doing This? Jason. (2005). Finished 2022-12-29.